The Yo-Yo Effect: Gaining weight back after you’ve lost it, ending up at the same weight again. What are the causes and consequences of this effect?

Table of Contents
- What is the yo-yo effect?
- Afraid of the yo-yo
- “Brains interpret diet as short-term famine”
- Theoretical model of the Yo-Yo Effect
- Yo-Yo Effect in practice
- “Simple models”
- More practical research on the Yo-Yo effect?
- Comparing various studies
- Yo-Yo effect studies on humans
- Lean mass decreases due to yo-yoing
- What is the correct definition of the yo-yo effect?
- Yo-Yo effect and the risk of heart disease in women
- Life’s Simple 7
- Results
- Follow-up research on the Yo-Yo effect
- Yo-Yo Effect cause