Fitness nutrition

Fitness nutrition

Geschreven door Nathan Albers
Geschatte leestijd: 2 minuten

There is an inseparable connection between fitness and nutrition. Fitness provides the growth stimuli, and nutrition and rest contribute to muscle growth. In this article, we delve deeper into specific fitness nutrition. What should you eat to achieve optimal muscle growth?

Fitness nutrition

Fitness Nutrition and Growth

As indicated in the opening of this post, a combination of fitness, nutrition, and rest is necessary to grow your muscles. Fitness, especially overload, is responsible for the muscle growth stimulus, and nutrition and rest contribute to muscle growth. One of the building blocks necessary for muscle growth is proteins. These building blocks can be obtained from various food sources. Below, we have listed some of these ‘fitness foods.’

Nutrition and Muscle Growth

The muscle fibers that muscles are built from consist of groups of sarcomeres, which are responsible for muscle contraction. These sarcomeres are made up of proteins. When you exercise, these muscles come under pressure, creating small micro-tears in the muscles. This increases the HGH, also known as human growth hormone, in the body along with white blood cells to repair these muscle cells. This is briefly how muscle growth is achieved.

Chicken Breast

What most bodybuilders primarily eat is chicken breast. Chicken breast is a good source of protein and often easy to prepare and combine with broccoli or rice for fiber and carbohydrates. Chicken breast, whether roasted, smoked, or in another form, is highly recommended as fitness nutrition.


As Jessica Simpson once said: is this tuna or chicken, when eating “Chicken of the Sea.” Thus, you could consider tuna as fitness nutrition. After all, the nutritional values of tuna are broadly similar to chicken breast. The big difference is that tuna contains good fats, which you cannot do without as a dedicated athlete. In 100 grams of tuna, there are over 25 grams of protein, making it a perfect source of protein. Tuna is also quite easy to consume when you buy cans in the supermarket.

Low-Fat Quark

Another source of protein is low-fat quark. Low-fat quark is characterized by a low amount of fat per 100 grams and often more than 10 grams of protein per 100 grams. Quark is also easy to combine with other nutrients, making it perfect as fitness nutrition. You can combine low-fat quark with banana or blueberries to also get your quick sugars. Additionally, quark contains a different form of protein. In milk, there are basically 2 types of protein: whey and casein. Quark contains a lot of slowly digesting casein proteins. That is ideal for before going to sleep because the casein is slowly absorbed during your sleep and thus provides your body with sufficient building materials during recovery.

Protein Shake

Finally, but not entirely unimportant, protein shakes or protein shakes are a good source of protein to supplement your daily diet. After all, if you need 150 grams or more of protein per day, you cannot always get that from your diet. That is why protein shakes are a good supplement. Pay attention when buying the protein shakes which type of whey they are composed of. If you are looking for the purest form of whey, whey hydro-isolate, you can often expect higher prices. But all in all, the protein shake is a good supplement as fitness nutrition.


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